Pt. 9) 2028

The President of the United States of America is often heralded as the most powerful political figure in the world. With enormous power you would think that the president has enormous influence, however the constitution and the separate branches of government are design to limit the power of the executive branch. But as we have examined in these series of essays, the President is not only constrained by the limitations of the office, but by the influence of both party politics as well as corporate interest that own the narrative portrayed to the American people. Lets examine what a president unshackled by party affiliation in 2028 mean for American?

At the heart of the case for an independent president lies the freedom from the shackles of party bosses and partisan agendas. Unlike their previous counterparts tethered to party lines, an independent president is accountable to the will of the people, liberated from the pressure to adhere to party doctrine or satisfy the demands of party elites. This autonomy empowers them to govern with integrity, guided by principles rather than political expediency, and unencumbered by the incessant tug-of-war between competing party factions.

Moreover, an independent president possesses the unique capacity to approach governance with a fresh perspective, unencumbered by the ideological baggage and partisan dogma that often hinders traditional party politicians. Liberated from the confines of partisan orthodoxy, they are free to embrace innovative solutions, drawing inspiration from across the political spectrum and crafting policies that reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of the American people. This flexibility and open-mindedness are essential attributes in an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving world, where rigid ideological adherence can spell disaster in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Furthermore, an independent president serves as a counterforce to the corrosive influence of special interests and corporate lobbyists that wield disproportionate power in the corridors of government. Disconnected from the allegiance to party donors or beholden to corporate interests, they can prioritize the public good over narrow special interests, championing policies that benefit the many rather than the privileged few. This independence from outside influences ensures that the president remains accountable to the citizens, safeguarding the integrity of the democratic process and restoring faith in government as a vehicle for positive change.

With 60% of Americans expressing a desire for alternative political options, it comes as no surprise that in every election cycle, the two major parties converge on one consensus: dismissing third-party nominees as mere spoilers of the vote. However, the reality is more political parties and a diverse array of candidates would be a spoiler to the duopolistic stranglehold that the two parties currently exert over our government. Introducing alternative options would amplify the voices of citizens and introduce much-needed freedom into the political landscape. Considering the obvious decline in the quality of candidates under the two-party system, expanding our choices for leadership becomes imperative.

Liberating the president from the constraints of the party system can yield significant advantages for the White House by enabling the president to advance and implement policies rooted in American interests rather than partisan agendas. Such freedom fosters broad support, unhindered by partisan affiliations that might otherwise obstruct policies proposed by the opposition party. This liberation from partisan pressures alleviates the need to oppose sound policies simply for political gain, thereby mitigating the vilification of bipartisan efforts aimed at obstructing progress.

An independent candidate, unaffiliated with either of the two main political parties, being elected president seems to escape the imagination of the modern American voter. However, with every generation, it comes a time when the mantle of government must be passed to the next generation of leaders. In an era marked by gridlock and polarization, the emergence of an independent president represents a bold departure from the status quo, offering a compelling vision of governance untethered from the constraints of party politics and special interests.

It has come time for this generation to buck the parties of our parents, bring power back to the people, reframe the political scope, redefine the roles of government, and stop pushing the problems of today to the future, but to solve the problems of the future today. Declare your Independence!


Pt. 8) An Independent Congress


Pt. 10) A Declaration of Independents