Pt. 10) A Declaration of Independents

A Declaration of the Independent Voters of the United States,

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a population to dissolve the partisan bonds which have controlled them with a limited two-party system, and to assume among the political landscape, an independent and diverse representation that the principles of democracy entitle them to, a sincere respect for the voices of the electorate requires that they should declare the reasons which lead them to this declaration.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all citizens are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, including the right to fair representation, the right to choose freely among diverse political options, and the right to participate fully in the democratic process. To secure these rights, political systems are established among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to reform or abolish it, and to establish new systems, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to ensure their representation and safeguard their liberties.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: but history teaches us people are more inclined to suffer suboptimal systems rather than abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. However, when a pattern of systemic dysfunction and partisan entrenchment emerges, it becomes not only a right but a duty of the people to seek change.

The existing two-party system has failed to adequately represent the diverse interests and beliefs of the American people. It has perpetuated a cycle of polarization, gridlock, and partisanship that undermines the principles of democracy and hinders progress on critical issues facing the nation.

We, therefore, declare our independence from the two-party system and assert our right to pursue alternative forms of political representation that better reflect the will and values of the electorate. We refuse to be bound by  the constraints of a binary political paradigm that stifles innovation, limits choice, and perpetuates division.

In reaching this decision, we present the following grievances against the two-party system:

1. It has fostered a climate of political tribalism, where loyalty to party takes precedence over the common good, and compromise is viewed as a betrayal rather than a virtue.

2. It has entrenched a duopoly on power, excluding third-party candidates and independent voices from meaningful participation in the electoral process.

3. It has prioritized partisan interests over the needs of the people, resulting in legislative gridlock, dysfunction, and a lack of progress on critical issues such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality.

4. It has perpetuated a system of winner-takes-all elections, where votes cast for alternative candidates are often dismissed as wasted or irrelevant, undermining the principle of fair representation.

5. It has fostered a culture of political polarization, where dialogue is replaced by rhetoric, and constructive debate gives way to vitriol and division.

6. It has hindered efforts to implement responsible fiscal policies, leading to ballooning deficits and a lack of long-term fiscal sustainability

7. It has undermined Americas ability to project a unified and coherent international stance, weakening its diplomatic influence and exacerbating geopolitical tensions.

8. It has failed to address systemic challenges facing public education and enact meaningful reforms, leaving many students underserved and ill-prepared to compete in the modern economy. 

9. It has demonstrated a lack of long-term vision and strategic planning to develop comprehensive and forward thinking policies that address emerging challenges, instead focusing on short-term political gains and electoral cycles.

In light of these grievances, and in accordance with the principles of democracy and self-governance, we hereby declare our independence from the two-party system and affirm our commitment to building a more diverse, representative, and responsive political system that serves the interests of all Americans.

We pledge our support to candidates and movements that champion political reform, promote electoral competition, and challenge the status quo. We call upon our fellow citizens to join us in this pursuit of a more perfect union, where the voices of all are heard, and the principles of democracy are upheld.

In witness whereof, we pledge our allegiance to the values of freedom, equality, and justice, and commit ourselves to the ongoing struggle for a more inclusive and representative democracy.


Pt. 9) 2028